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has a Future

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Keep up with the latest news regarding the ballot initiative and our campaign to prevent the annexation of Wilkinsburg by the City of Pittsburgh.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about the proposed annexation: the process, the potential outcomes, and the players behind the campaign to erase our municipality.

Learn more here

Study Wilkinsburg Government

Wilkinsburg Future is supporting a proposed government study commission to review the borough’s form and structure for improvements. Learn more and see our supported candidates.

Gov’t Study Commission

Tell Pittsburgh “NO”

Learn how you can tell the Pittsburgh City Council that you do not support annexation.

Our automated system has facilitated more than 500 calls to Pittsburgh’s nine council members.


Wilkinsburg Future

Get The Word Out

Share our site on social media to spread the latest developments and discoveries regarding the attempt to annex Wilkinsburg.

Don’t forget to tell your family and neighbors, too, especially those without Internet access. We’re all in this together!

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